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Newsletter 6th March 2020

Friday 6th March 2020 Dear Parents/Carers Gymnastics Competition Wow! Ten of our Year 2 children competed in a gymnastics competition in Scarborough this week and out of thirteen teams our team came 1st!! Our school team were the overall winners in the competition with massive...
Posted On 06 Mar 2020
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Corona Virus Letter

2 March 2020 To all Parents and Carers of schools within Ebor Academy Trust Dear Parent and Carer We wanted to get in touch with you to share the latest advice and information from Public Health England in relation to Coronavirus (COVID-19). You may be aware that advice for...
Posted On 02 Mar 2020
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‘Fishermen’s Tales’

We all enjoyed a wonderful performance of Bible stories this week called ‘Fishermen’s Tales’.
Posted On 28 Feb 2020
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Newsletter 28th February 2020

28 th February 2020 Dear Parents/Carers We have already had a busy start to this half term with all our children enjoying ‘Fishermen’s Tale’ a production based on bible stories on Wednesday. Today some of our year two children are working towards achieving a well-being award at...
Posted On 28 Feb 2020
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Newsletter 14th February 2020

Friday 14th February Dear Parents/Carers This half term has been as busy as ever with our Year 2 children learning about the Victorian era and experiencing many wonderful Victorian artefacts. Year 1 children have enjoyed learning about Space, the first moon landing and the Solar...
Posted On 14 Feb 2020
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Filey Infants Ofsted visit February 2020

Mrs Angela Clark with pupils of Filey Church of England Nursery & Infants Academy celebrating their ‘Good’ rating from school inspectors Ofsted
Posted On 07 Feb 2020
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Reassurance Concerning Coronavirus 3rd February 2020

3rd February 2020 Dear Parent/carer Reassurance concerning Coronavirus You will have heard that two cases of coronavirus were confirmed in York last week. As the city is not too far away, and we have colleagues there, I wanted to offer you our reassurance. The risk from...
Posted On 03 Feb 2020
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Sierra Leone

Some of the children from our Global Partnership school Kingdom Life Internation Academy in Sierra Leone, West Africa. We are very much looking forward to working together and getting to know more about each other’s very different schools.
Posted On 03 Feb 2020
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Newsletter 31st January 2020

Dear Parents/Carers Ofsted Report   We are delighted to be able to share our recent Ofsted Inspection Report with you. It was a rigorous but fair inspection and myself and the Governors are extremely proud of all the children and staff for making Filey CE Nursery and Infants...
Posted On 31 Jan 2020
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Newsletter 23rd January 2020

23rd January 2020   Dear Parents/Carers Ofsted Thank you so much to all parents that completed the Ofsted parental questionnaire. We should be able to share the outcome with you in two to three weeks’ time. Start of the School Day Can I please express my concern over the...
Posted On 23 Jan 2020
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