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The Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) for Filey CE Nursery and Infants Academy is Miss Jessica Williams. Miss Williams holds the statutory National Award for SEN Co-ordination  (NASENCo) qualification.

A welcome from Miss Williams

‘I am very proud to be the SENCo for Filey CE Nursery and Infants Academy. I am passionate about working in partnership with families, teaching staff and external professionals to provide the best support possible and enable our children to shine. If you have any concerns about your child’s development, please contact the school via your child’s class teacher and/ or the school office and I can get back in touch with you. I am always here to speak to you no matter how big or how small the concern may be.’

For further information, please call the school on 01723 344649 or email


Important Information

Click to view this academic years SEND policy- SEN policy 2024 – 2025.doc.docx

Click to view this academic years SEND Information Report. SEN Information Report

Our Inclusive Curriculum 

Filey CE Nursery and Infants Academy is a fully inclusive, mainstream Primary School, that ensures that all pupils achieve their potential personally, socially, emotionally and academically in all areas of the curriculum. 


At Filey Infants we are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all of our pupils whatever their needs or abilities. We have the same high expectations for our educational aims for children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities, as we do for all children in school. This document sets out the adaptations that are made across all areas of the curriculum to ensure all pupils have equal access to it and their barriers are reduced.

Click the link to explore our inclusive curriculum. Our Inclusive Curriculum – Filey Infants.docx

Zones of Regulation

To support children’s social, emotional and mental health in school, we will be using Zones of Regulations. Zones of Regulation is an internationally renowned programme. Self-regulation can go by many names, such as self-control, self management, and impulse control. It is defined as the best state of alertness of both the body and emotions for the specific situation. For example, when a student plays on the playground or in a competitive game, it is beneficial to have a higher state of alertness. In addition to addressing self-regulation, the students will gain an increased vocabulary of emotional terms, skills in reading other people’s facial expressions, perspective about how others see and react to their behaviour, insight into events that trigger their behaviour, calming and alerting strategies, and problem solving skills.

We aim to help children to:

  • Recognise when they are in the different zones and learn strategies to change or remain in the Zones they are in
  • Increase their emotional vocabulary so they can explain how they are feeling
  • Recognise when other people are in different zones- developing empathy
  • Develop resilience
  • Identify a range of calming and alerting strategies to support them. This is known ast their toolkit.

For further information, see link below.

Zones of Regulation

My Happy Mind

We have introduced a program to all year groups at school called myHappymind. myHappymind is all based around helping children to understand how their brain works and to support them in developing positive skills and habits to be their very best selves!

myHappymind is delivered in schools by class teachers through a series of interactive lessons and then the children apply these learnings throughout the day.

To further embed this learning, myHappymind has developed a Parent App. These resources can be accessed online on your computer, or through an app on your phone. The Parent App will support you as a parent in understanding what your child is learning, activities for you to do together at home and also a Kids Zone featuring myHappymind Games plus much more!

To access these materials just go to to create your free account. You will need to enter your name, email, and authentication code.

If you would like the authentication code, please contact school on 01723 344649.

Once you have created your account, you will receive an email with the next steps on downloading the app.

We really encourage you to make use of this free content so that you can support your child in getting the best out of the curriculum.

If you have any questions about myHappymind, please contact your class teacher.

If you have any technical questions about accessing the resources, please contact

Want to learn more? Check out myHappymind founder Laura Earnshaw’s best selling book on Amazon.



Useful Links

Here are some useful resources surrounding all things SEND and Autism for your child, the family and working professionals.. This includes signposting to external support for the family, wellbeing resources, online support groups, local charities and resources to support children in understanding their additional needs. Click the link below to see more.

Resources and Services