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Newsletter 11th June 2020

Thursday 11th June 2020

Dear Parents/Carers

We will not be holding a parents evening this year due to Covid-19 but you will still receive a school report for your child. If your child is not in school you will receive their school report in the post, if you have any questions regarding the report you will need to phone the office and arrange to talk to your child’s class teacher. Reports will be sent out on Friday 26th June and will contain information about your child’s class in September.

I would like to congratulate all the children that have returned to school this week. After a few little anxious faces they soon all realised even though things are a little different Filey Infants is still a very happy, fun place to be. I am in the process of trying to arrange something for our year two children and will be in contact with these parents as soon as I have more information.

Please, please try not to worry about your child’s home learning. This has been going on for a long time now and I understand how hard it is for you all. Try to do a little and often. Keep up with some reading and sharing stories. Remember it is far more important that you and your children are safe and happy during this very difficult time.

Practical learning is a great way to engage young children without it feeling like tricky school work!
E.g. hands on maths; cooking, cleaning, maths games etc.
Fine motor work; Lego, playdough, cutting, tidying away small toys etc.
Physical exercise every day.
Some art/something creative. This doesn’t need to be guided.
If old enough, start a project. Research something and present it to the rest of the family.
If younger, lots of imaginative free play.

You will be doing enough, you are loving your children and supporting them through this difficult time. Minimising stress is absolutely vital at a time like this for your own mental health. Don’t let this be something that adds more stress. Please be kind to yourself and thank you for your wonderful support.

Mrs Angela Clark

Angela Clark

Head of School

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