| 01723 344649
Ebor Academy Trust Logo

‘Standard of dress’ is a very personal issue, we recognise the individual standards set by caring parents. We do, however encourage the wearing of school colours – red sweatshirts, red or white polo shirts, black or grey trousers, grey skirts/pinafores, red checked summer dresses are appropriate in warmer weather. Suitable hats, reversible shower proof fleeces and book bags are also available to order.

P.E kit should be a white or red t-shirt and navy or black shorts. P.E shoes are required for outdoor P.E in the Summer term.

School uniform is available from both of our suppliers

We do have a FREE uniform cupboard in school that stocks good quality second hand uniform. This is available for anyone, please just phone the office or speak to your child’s class teacher.

School Uniform Policy

Order Uniform Online at:

or Call: Identity, Hunmanby Street, Muston on 01723 513703